
Core 2 vs i5
Core 2 vs i5

The differences in Core i3, i5 and i7 are the same for Sandy Bridge Ivy Bridge, Haswell and Devil's Canyon (a Haswell refresh). The feature table above shows you how the most popular processors line-up in terms of features.

core 2 vs i5

The differences in performance come from which features are enabled or disabled, the clock speed and how many cores each one has. The most important thing about different architectures is making sure that you have a motherboard that supports the type of processor you're interested in. Processors, regardless of whether they're a Core i3, i5 and i7, based on the same architecture are fundamentally the same inside. You can tell the architecture by the model number, Devil's Canyon and Haswell start with 4 Ivy Bridge with a 3 and Sandy Bridge with a 2. Generally speaking a Core i3, i5 or i7 that has a newer architecture is faster than the older-architecture processor that it replaces. Before that we had Ivy Bridge and Sandy Bridge. We're currently starting to see Devil's Canyon chips, a refresh of last year's Haswell. Every year, Intel releases a newer, faster range of processors. Architectureįirst, it's important to explain about architecture and codenames. If you're struggling to work out the differences between the Core i3, i5 and i7, don't worry, as we'll explain everything for you.

core 2 vs i5

Although Intel's naming convention is generally a lot better and less confusing than it used to be, it can be difficult to work out exactly which processor suits your needs.

Core 2 vs i5